
EFM online: Sino-European Day

3 maart 2021
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Engels, Nederlands

Curious about the TV & online streaming landscape in China? Want to know how to handle copyrights in this challenging market? Wondering how to make a documentary in China? For the seventh consecutive year in partnership with the European Film Market we will organize an intensive program specifically focusing on China. This year the “Sino-European Forum” will be shaped for the online space comprising a webinar on documentary, keynote on TV & streaming landscape in China and five roundtables on practical topics.

As the pandemic has hit the film industry severely, at the moment the market in China is thriving with cinemas being opened and the audience enjoying all kinds of movies. For the first time, local yearly box office has overtaken the North American one and become the highest in the world. This market has thus become even more relevant, and being familiar and connected with it is more strategic than ever. For this reason the event will invite a roster of experienced Chinese film personalities to bring latest insider information and help participants analyse some of the challenges they may encounter in approaching this new landscape.

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