Industry accreditation IDFA 2021
De accreditatie voor IDFA 2021 is nu geopend. Er zijn diverse passen voor professionals, makers en pers. Alle details, inclusief de deadlines voor het aanvragen, vind je op de accreditatiepagina van IDFA.
Accreditation for IDFA 2021 is now open! Applications are due by October 10. Depending on your professional activities in the documentary field and your interest, we offer a variety of accreditations providing access to the festival, markets, and talent development program. Below, you can explore what’s included in each guest pass for IDFA 2021. Be sure to read our guidelines before filling in your accreditation form, and take note: different deadlines apply for accreditation to IDFAcademy and IDFA Forum.
Get your accreditation here: